Thank you for visiting the website and your interest in GreenAcres. GreenAcresis a natural and chemical free organic farm. It is an experiment on holistic and sustainable farming system. The farm has a good variety of fruit and forest trees. The farm is located a few miles away from the village and one has to travel the last few miles on a dirt road. Mind you this is NOT a RESORT. So it is best to come with and open mind, with no expectations and the willingness to rough it out. The purpose of the site is to spread awareness. However, the farmstay and camping trip could be educational, adventurous and fun. It gives an opportunity to pause and appreciate the simple things in life. You will have to bring your own food items to grill/BBQ. The group needs to have a minimum of 10 people and a maximum of 24 to have a good experience. You will need to call and confirm your trip at least couple of days in advance. Confirmation is subject to availability and weather conditions.
Please check the FAQ to find answers to the most frequently asked questions.
You can call 9849006968 or 9949069681 for more details or if you have any specific questions.